Saturday, August 17, 2013

3 Time Saving Social Media Marketing Tips for Financial Advisors

A few weeks ago, I started getting a lot of visits to my personal blog and dozens of emails from Financial Advisors wanting to know what they can do to make social media marketing easier.  Many advisors, especially when they are just starting on their journey, are working a hectic schedule and don’t have a team member dedicated to handle their online marketing for them.  If you’re just diving into the social media scene, attempting to manage all of your profiles can become extremely overwhelming.  Use these easy to implement social media marketing tips to make marketing on websites like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook much easier.

Use a Social Media Marketing Tool

financial-advisor-BE2The hardest thing to do as an advisor is finding time to manage every aspect of your business.  At the end of the day, the last thing you want to do is sit around for 2 hours trying to find things to put on your Facebook or Twitter to engage your prospects and clients.  Social media marketing tools can make this process easier as they allow you to post updates to multiple networks at once and even schedule your posts weeks in advance!  Look into using a tool like Hootsuite or Sprout Social, both of which are great and extremely affordable tools that will help you increase your social media presence without taking up a lot of your time.

Create a Social Media Marketing Schedule

Your time is valuable.  And with client meetings and paperwork to handle, there’s likely not much left at the end of the week.  Find an hour or so each week that you can dedicate to working on your social media accounts and sit down and plan out your weeks postings.  When you combine your scheduled social media time with the right social media marketing tool, you will be able to stay active online every week, even if you’re not posting something everyday.  Make sure to post something 2 or 3 times a week, and use the advance scheduling feature on your social media tool to schedule posts in advance so you can show people you are active online.

Use RSS Feeds to Create Content For You

One of the best parts about the financial industry is that the internet provides thousands of great articles every week that you can share with your clients and prospects.  Your social media marketing tool should have an RSS feed option, that will allow you to plug your favorite RSS feeds into your social media profiles and automatically post relevant content for you.  Get feeds from websites like and Market Watch, and you will be able to share tons of great information with your fans and followers without any effort at all!

3 Time Saving Social Media Marketing Tips for Financial Advisors

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